Sunday, July 7, 2019

Day 6

Sitting here today I can't help be think that at this time last week I was getting ready to spend the last day I had with Dystinee. I went home and I snuggled my sweet girl. We hung out with her all day.

Everyday that passes takes me further away from the worse day of my life. If find that day by day it's a little easier and at the same time the further I move away the further I am away from the last time I saw my sweet girl.

I never knew that it was possible to free two completely polar opposite feelings at the same time. I am both feeling better and a little less sad and hating myself and feel more sad at the same time. I don't know what the future holds I know that one day I will look back and remember the good times the happy times that I had with my sweet Dystinee. But for now I can't help but also remember that Monday and hate myself a little bit each time.

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